Tuesday, December 14, 2010

i can't believe it's not more than 2 weeks to xmas day! we have to begin to make some preparation~
so days ago my family set up our xmas tree together! xD

hope we have a merry little xmas~!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Flood in Pontianak

maybe it was the first time i see flood that high direcly. well, not so high but bad enough..=='

dad and the others helped uncle move his motorcycles to my house

hope in 2011 everything will be just alright..>,<

Welcome Home, Sist!

my sister, sella, was coming back again this december. and there're some nice things from this, our family can gathered again and she brought home many delicious things! xD

toys for elvan

here's the best thing : famous amous!! xD

some packs of yummy oats! xD

sticky, unique texture candies!

chocolates is a have-to-buy item!

i love milano the best from the picture above. it's packed and taste simple and nice~
