days ago was auntie's (ji ie) bday, so we had dinner together in gajahmada restaurant.

this my beloved cousin~♥ she wore my childhood dress!! isn't it nice on her?? xD

the woman in the middle is my youngest auntie. she is pregnant
*i think she still as beautiful as always* and i can't wait to see her baby~~ xD

the sitting woman is my auntie who had the birthday. she's so fashionable for her age~! xD

the one with purple dress is my mother and i think she's also fashionable! ♥

with my cousin. guess what? she is just 13 years old! people these days sure grow up fast,huh?

the one with white blouse is my youngest uncle's girlfriend. hope they get married soon.. xD

my family ♥♥♥

after had dinner, we went to auntie's house and ate birthday cake~
*yum* ♥ xD

oh my.. love them! ♥
(especially a girl who wear my dress! lol)Happy birthday, auntie! Hope you have a loving and caring family. =)
nice :D
makan2 diresto gajah mada ya..
sepertinya tidak ada yang berubah ya ? xD
iya,dr dl gt2 aja..xD
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