Monday, March 31, 2014
Last week I came back to Malaysia and have to resist the urge to bake again until August! Anyway, I still have some recipe that I haven't posted yet. I'm lazy, I know.
I'm so happy to introduce you to another pretty and amazing site that I absolutely love so much, Raspberri Cupcakes by Steph. She has the cutest macarons that I've ever seen and lovely pictures. I think I don't have to explain more, just visit her site and experience the beauty!
This is one of her recipe and it tastes so good! Somehow I can't really taste the tea flavor, maybe I'll add more leaves in it next time. Anyway, I always love cupcake with lemon icing. ♥
Black Tea Cupcakes with Lemon Icing (translated to indonesian)
Source : Raspberri Cupcakes by Steph
Bahan :
3 bag teh hitam (atau 3 sdt daun teh kering)
250 ml susu
155 gr gula kastor (saya pakai gula pasir)
125 gr mentega, suhu ruang
2 butir telur, suhu ruang
1 sdm madu
350 gr tepung serbaguna
4 sdt baking powder
1 sdt garam
Cara :
1. Panaskan oven pada suhu 180C dan susun kertas cupcake di dalam 12 loyang cupcake.
2. Keluarkan daun teh dari kantongnya, masukkan ke dalam panci bersama susu, dan panaskan hingga hampir mendidih, aduk terus. Biarkan dingin. Daun teh dapat disaring, tapi saya pakai setengah dari daun teh supaya aromanya lebih kuat.
3. Mixer mentega dan gula dengan kecepatan tinggi hingga mengembang dan pucat, paling sedikit 5 menit.
4. Masukkan telur satu per satu, aduh hingga rata.
5. Dengan mixer kecepatan rendah, masukkan madu dan 1/3 bagian tepung. Kemudian masukkan 1/2 bagian campuran susu, 1/3 bagian tepung, lalu sisa susu dan tepung. Mizer hingga rata.
6. Masukkan adonan ke dalam loyang cupcake hingga 2/3 penuh dan panggang selama 15-20 menit. Biarkan kue di dalam loyang selama 5 menit, kemudian keluarkan dari loyang dan biarkan sampai dingin.
With love,
Julia ♥
Julia ♥
Friday, March 21, 2014
I was so excited that I have an opportunity to make another birthday cake again! This time is for my grandma's 69th birthday. I decided to decorated it with fruit because somehow it looks healthier and of course so so pretty! It also helped me to cover up all of the not-so-good buttercream layer on top. It is quite hard for me to create a really smooth surface, so I make basketweave pattern instead. I admit that it is actually easier than it looks!
For the cake, I use steamed black glutinous rice cake that I have posted here. The cream cheese filling really gives an extra flavor to the gorgeous cake!
With love,
Julia ♥
Labels: baking
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