Friday, December 23, 2011

But really I have to say it now because I won't be home for christmas, I'm going to Singapore for Super Star Virgo Cruise! I'll be going with my family tomorrow and so excited about it. As this is my first cruise trip, I hope it will be great ♥
And for those of you out there wondering why I'm rarely online these days, this is what I've been doing : crocheting~ ♥

That's it!
Before I finish this post, I just wanna say have a merry merry christmas for you who celebrate it~ ;) ♥
Oh btw, do you know that now you can change your wall in facebook to a timeline?? I think it's pretty cool and this is a cover of mine~ xD
Alright then! Buh-bye, guys~♥
Julia ♥
Friday, December 16, 2011
These months I didn't do any baking thinking that my oven wasn't working well. Then once I came back from Kuala Lumpur, I asked my dad if he can do something with it *he always does ;)*. Dad said that I might set a wrong setting and some days ago I decided to bake cupcakes with different setting. I was quite satisfied that I could find a good setting for it.
And once again, I bake! ♥
I found this recipe and I just couldn't help myself did it and it's so cute and *luckily* easy and yummy and creamy and crunchy !
So here it is~ ;)
200 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
2 sdm tepung maizena
125 gram margarin, dilelehkan
1 butir kuning telur
60 gram gula pasir
Sejumput garam *i forgot to add this T-T*
Bahan isi:
Whipped cream *i used 100grams*
5 buah pisang *i didnt use that many, though*
Cokelat putih *i was out of chocolate..*
Cara Membuat:
1. Panaskan oven dengan temperatur 170C, siapkan loyang.
2. Dalam wadah, kocok lepas margarin dan gula, tambahkan telur dan kocok lagi hingga warnanya menjadi kuning pucat dan tercampur rata.
3. Tambahkan tepung terigu dan maizena sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk rata, kemudian uleni dengan sendok kayu. Diamkan selama 20 menit dalam kulkas.
4. Keluarkan adonan, tipiskan adonan dengan roller hingga setebal kurang lebih 0.5 cm. Cetak dalam loyang tartlet, tusuk acak dengan garpu..
5. Panggang selama 10 menit, keluarkan dari oven dan dinginkan.
Cara Membuat Isi:
1. Lelehkan coklat putih, masukkan dalam pipping bag. Buat desain hiasan dengan bentuk memanjang di loyang yang telah dilapisi kertas roti.
2. Potong-potong pisang dengan ketebalan 0.5 cm, membentuk bulatan-bulatan.
3. Siapkan whipped cream, jika Anda membeli dalam bentuk bubuk atau cair, maka Anda harus mengocoknya dulu dengan mixer agar mengembang.
4. Masukkan whipped cream ke dalam pipping bag, isikan ke dalam tartlet. Tancapkan pisang di antara whipped cream yang menggembung. Hiasi dengan cokelat putih yang telah dicetak tadi.
enjoy ♥ ;)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
videamus hoc verbum quod factum est.
Transeamus usque Bethlehem et
videamus hoc verbum quod factum est.
Mariam et Joseph et Infantem
positum in praesepio,
Mariam et Joseph et Infantem
positum in praesepio,
gloria, gloria, Gloria,
gloria, gloria, gloria, in excelsis Deo.
gloria, gloria,
Transeamus gloria, gloria,
gloria, gloria,
videamus multitudinem mi- gloria, gloria,
gloria, gloria,
litiae celestis laudantium Deum, Ma- Et in terra pax,
hominibus bonae volun-
riam et Joseph et Infantem tatis, bonae
voluntatis, bonae volun-
positum in praesipio tatis et in terra pax. Glo-
et ria.
videamus quod factum est,
et videamus quod factum est. (
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Song of The Day - The Christmas Waltz by Frank Sinatra
0 comments Posted by Julia Selinda at 1:50 PMtaken from youtube
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

left:showtime sea's new player, right:showtime indonesia's new player
Well, I just hope they will add up more western songs and give us proper clothes,please.! ;)
Overall, I absolutely love ShowTime Indonesia and keep playing it all the time, even now when I'm typing this post. tee-hee
Alright, here's the facebook link to download. Enjoy the game! ;) ♥
ps. please tell me if you play, it'll be nice if we can sing together~ xD
Labels: game
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Song of The Day - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
0 comments Posted by Julia Selinda at 8:43 PMI knew this song last year and so far my favourite is the one by David Archuleta and Charice Pempengco. I also knew Charice because of this song, her voice is so powerful and combined with David's voice, I absolutely love it! ♥

Friday, December 2, 2011
Natalie Cole David Foster - My Grown-Up Christmas List (1990)
Do you remember me
I sat upon your knee
I wrote to you
With childhood fantasies
Well, I'm all grown up now
Can you still help somehow
I'm not a child
But my heart still can dream
So here's my lifelong wish
My grown-up Christmas list
Not for myself
But for a world in need
No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
Every man would have a friend
That right would always win
And love would never end
This is my grown-up
Christmas list
What is this illusion called
The innocence of youth
Maybe only in their blind belief
Can we ever find the truth
There'd be no more lives torn apart
And wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
Every man would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end
This is my grown-up Christmas list
This is my only lifelong wish
This is my grown-up Christmas list
Hoo---, hoo--
Thursday, December 1, 2011
As Christmas Day is coming, from today onwards 'The Song of The Day' will be my favourite christmas songs! *yipee*
Love is Christmas by Sara Bareilles

I don’t care if the house is packed,
Or the strings of light are broken.
I don’t care if the gifts are wrapped,
Or if there’s nothing here to open.
Love is not a toy, and no paper will conceal it.
Love is simply joy that I’m home.
I don’t care if the carpet is stained;
we have food upon the table.
I don’t care if it’s gonna rain,
or our room is warm and stable.
Love is who we are, and no season can contain it.
Love would never fall for that.
Let love lead us, love is Christmas.
Why so scared that you’ll mess it up?
Imperfection keeps you haunted.
All you need is your best my love,
that’s all anyone ever wanted.
Love is how we do, let no judgement over- rule it.
Love I look to you, and I sing.
Let love lead us, love is Christmas. Let love lead us, love is Christmas.
My favourite part in this lyric is 'Love is simply joy that I’m home', it's so true and perfect for my condition. Hahahaha...
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Alright, back to Gabby...
I will miss you a lot!!!!!!!!!!
Labels: friends, kuala lumpur
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Song of The Day - All I Ask of You ( The Phantom of the Opera )
0 comments Posted by Julia Selinda at 11:49 AM
The Phantom of the Opera is a musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber, based on the French novel Le Fantôme de l'Opéra by Gaston Leroux. The central plot revolves around a beautiful soprano, Christine Daaé, who becomes the obsession of a mysterious, disfigured musical genius. The Phantom of the Opera opened in the West End in 1986, celebrating its 25th anniversary in October 2011. It won the 1986 Olivier Award and the 1988 Tony Award for Best Musical, and Michael Crawford (in the title role) won the 1986 Olivier and 1988 Tony for Best Performance by an Actor in a Musical. It is the longest-running Broadway show by a wide margin, the second longest-running West End musical, and the third longest-running West End show overall. (wiki)
Seriously, I have the-phantom-of-the-opera fever once I downloaded this song. Yes yes, I know I'm pretty late,
and don't forget to watch the trailer too~ ;)
taken from youtube
By the way I can't find the movie anywhere on web... Maybe I should buy one when I go back to my hometown...