Friday, January 24, 2014
Last Christmas I received wonderful muffin pans from my godmother. She's a very understanding lady and know me very well! I have been looking for muffin pans, so I called her to ask where I can find it in Selangor. I did not expect that she would give me muffin pans as Christmas gift and I was so exhilarated!
I wanted muffin pans so so bad after I saw some recipes on Pinterest. Yes, I never had muffin pans before and I bake them in mini tart pans like my chocolate chunk muffins and donut muffins. Still so adorable to see, but I wanted the REAL pan!
Actually I have baked a few cupcakes before I make this coconut cupcake, but some were eaten before I have chance to take picture and the rest were not really my family's favorite, so I don't bother to post it here. For this Creamy Coconut Cupcake, I think the combination of coconut and cream cheese is so unique and fabulous! What I love the most is the chewy shredded coconut inside. My family and friends loves it so much, that is why I think this recipe is a must to bake!
Creamy Coconut Cupcakes (translated to Indonesian)
Sumber : Ina Garten via The Baker Chick
Membuat : 12 buah
Bahan :
Untuk cupcake:
170 gr mentega, suhu ruang
200 gr gula
3 butir telur ukuran besar, suhu ruang
1 sdt vanilla extract
188 gr tepung serbaguna
1/2 sdt baking powder
1/4 sdt baking soda
1/4 sdt garam
1/2 sdm cuka makan + 120 ml susu cair (diamkan selama 10menit) -> untuk bahan BUTTERMILK
120 gr kelapa parut manis
Untuk frosting:
227 gr cream cheese, suhu ruang
170 gr mentega, suhu ruang
1 sdt vanilla extract
500 gr gula halus (masukkan sedikit demi sedikit sesuai selera)
Kepala parut secukupnya untuk hiasan
Cara :
1. Panaskan oven dengan suhu 165 derajat celcius.
2. Dalam mangkuk besar, mixer mentega dan gula bersama hingga lembut, mengembang, dan putih (sekitar 5 menit). Masukkan telur satu per satu, aduk rata sebelum memasukkan telur yang berikutnya. Masukkan vanilla extract dan aduk hingga rata.
3. Dalam mangkuk terpisah, campur rata tepung, baking powder, baking soda, dan garam. Masukkan campuran tepung dan buttermilk bergantian sedikit demi sedikit. Campur hingga rata. Masukkan kelapa parut.
4. Siapkan loyang muffin dengan paper liner. Isi adonan hingga 3/4 penuh. Panggang selama 20-25 menit, hingga bagian atasnya keemasan dan tusuk gigi yang dimasukkan bersih. Biarkan dingin di loyang selama 5 menit, kemudian keluarkan dari loyang.
Membuat frosting:
Mixer mentega dan cream cheese hingga lembut, masukkan vanilla. Masukkan gula halus sedikit demi sedikit hingga lembut. Hias cupcake dengan frosting dan kepala parut.
Enjoy ♥
With love
Julia ♥
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