Saturday, August 10, 2013

Hello sweethearts!

Several days ago is my dad and little brother's birthday. 

Okay. He's not little anymore.

He is 13 years old this year, but still he is my sweet little brother. They are the only guys in the house and share the same birthday, isn't it sweet? I always think so!

So for the very first time, I baked a birthday cake! Yay!

For both layer, I baked carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. I forgot to take picture of the inside part due to the nervousness while making this. Hahaha. 

For the white fondant, I use marshmallow fondant recipe that I found online and the black fondant is store-bought. Marshmallow fondant is actually too sweet for me (although I am a sweet tooth person) and the store-bought fondant tastes quite nice! I think next time I will just buy ready-to-use fondant.

I put a few drops of food coloring to the white fondant for the roses. To make the roses, I just cut it into a rectangle and roll it. So easy and cute ! xD

I am sooooo happy that they all like it although it was a bit too sweet! Hope that I can make another birthday cake, it's a super exciting thing!

With love,

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Hello my lovely cookies!

After a long hiatus, I open my blog again! *yayy* Yes, I just open it after this all months. I have been focusing on my assignments and exam, and of course crocheting and all. I found another addicted hobby, cross-stitching! I have so much fun with it and now I can feel that my hands are so itchy to do it again! xD

And guess what, it is another holiday again~! I am having semester break now and trying to enjoy each day as much as possible! Another posts is coming ;)

By the way, I will continue the 5th semester next month. Yup, 2 more semesters to go! I have to try my best to finish this and start to think about my future career, confusing matter indeed, because I have lots of things in mind to do! xD

I write the recipe in Indonesian, so if you're looking for the recipe in English, click here to check the original recipe by Joy of Baking. ;) So here's the recipe for today~

Bahan Dulce de Leche : 

1       liter      susu
150  gram    gula pasir
2       sdm     light corn syrup
1/2   sdt       baking soda
1/8   sdt       garam
1       sdt       vanilla extract

Bahan Shortbread Cookies : 

260  gram   tepung serbaguna (segitiga biru)
1/4   sdt       garam
226  gram   mentega tawar, suhu ruang
60    gram   gula halus / bubuk
1       sdt       vanilla extract

Cara :

Dulce de Leche
1. Tuangkan susu, gula, corn syrup, baking soda, dan garam ke dalam panci 8 liter. Panaskan dengan api sedang hingga mendidih. Perhatikan dengan baik, apabila susu mulai berbusa dan naik, segera aduk dengan spatula tahan panas atau sendok kayu dan kecilkan sedikit api.
2. Terus masak campuran susu tersebut, aduk bagian dasar dan pinggiran panci sampai campuran susu menjadi sangat kental, lengket, dan berwarna karamel (sekitar 40-60 menit). Campuran harus terus diaduk agar campuran susu tidak hangus.
3. Setelah 40-60 menit, Dulce de Leche telah berkurang hingga 300 ml. Angkat dari api dan saring. Masukkan vanilla extract dan aduk. Biarkan dingin sebelum ditutup dan disimpan. Dulce de Leche dapat disimpan di lemari es selama 1 bulan.

1. Kocok mentega dengan mixer hingga lembut dan putih.
2. Masukkan gula dan kocok hingga rata.
3. Masukkan vanilla extract, aduk.
4. Masukkan tepung dan garam dan campur hingga rata.
5. Bentuk adonan hingga menyerupai piringan, bungkus dengan plastic wrap, dan masukkan ke lemari es paling sedikit 1 jam atau hingga mengeras.
6. Di atas permukaan yang telah ditaburi tepung, giling adonan hingga ketebalan 6cm. Potong dengan cookie cutter bentuk lingkaran berdiameter 5cm (bentuk lain juga boleh, di sini saya menggunakan bentuk hati).
7. Susun di atas loyang dan masukkan  lemari es selama 15menit.
8. Panggang selama 7-10menit dengan suhu 177 derajat C, atau sampai pinggiran cookies kecokelatan.
9. Cookies dapat disimpan selama 1minggu di wadah kedap udara.

1. Oleskan 1 sdt Dulce de Leche di atas permukaan cookie dan tutup dengan cookie lainnya.
2. Taburkan gula halus di atasnya. Dapat disimpan beberapa hari di dalam lemari es.

Untuk 24 Alfajores cookies.
Adapted from

Pretty simple and delicious! The sweetness is just nice and even my non-sweettooth family members love it! Enjoy :D

With love,
