Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Today is my first internship day! I am super super excited because I will be in pastry department for this whole month. Hope I can learn lots of new things!

Okay, now about this steamed brownies. I remember my friend brought me a steamed brownies once from Bandung and it was so good! Then I decided to find the recipe, but end up with this one because so many good reviews about it. For me, it was not as chocolatey as I expected, but it's quite light and fluffy so worth trying! Some people use the mixture of oil-butter-margarine to make it more fragrant, definitely have to try it out. ;)

Steamed Brownies - Brownies Kukus Ny. Liem (translated to english)
Source : Ny. Liem

Ingredient I :
6 large eggs
225 gr gula
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp emulsifier

Ingredient II:
125 gr all purpose flour
50 gr cocoa powder
1/2 tsp baking powder

Ingredient III:
175 ml vegetable oil
100 gr dark cooking chocolate

Ingredient IV:
75 ml condensed milk

Method :
1. Beat ingredient I until light and fluffy (ribbon stage).
2. Add ingredient II, mix well with whisk. *I used spatula*
3. Add ingredient III, fold it in with spatula.
4. Take 100ml of batter and mix well with ingredient IV. Divide the rest of batter to 2 equal parts.
5. Pour 1 part to 20x20x7cm pan (greased and lined with parchment paper), steam with low heat for 10minutes. Pour mixture of batter+condensed milk, steam for 5minutes. Lastly, pour the last part and steam for 30minutes.
6. Let cool before serving.


With love,

Sunday, July 6, 2014

It's another study week before final exam. And, instead of make a preparation for exam, I travel back to my hometown and spend time baking everyday! Happiest days in my life! It really is a very short holiday, so I tried to find easy recipes and I found this yummy cookie recipe! 

We call this cookie putri salju in Indonesia, a melt-in-your-mouth type of cookie and ground cashew nuts in it. Well, the texture is similar to melting moment cookies, so I guess it is the same (minus the cashew nuts). This recipe contains no nuts, but we add in cocoa powder and dark cooking chocolate instead.

The cookies texture is crunchy and melt in your mouth, although I expect it to be softer just like the original putri salju cookies. The taste is super chocolate, it is bittersweet and that's what I love the most from chocolate! I even think that I might bake this for next year's CNY!

Chocolate Melting Moments Cookies - Putri Salju Cokelat (translated to english)
Source: Majalah Sedap ed. 9/IX/2008 via Dapur Vanilla

Ingredients :
120 gr butter
180 gr margarine
150 gr powdered sugar
150 gr dark cooking chocolate, melted
1 large egg
500 gr cake flour*
50 gr cocoa powder*
1 tsp baking powder*
*Sift together

Coating :
Powdered sugar

Method :
1. Beat butter, margarine, and powdered sugar for 30 seconds. Add melted dark cooking chocolate, mix well. Add egg, mix well.
2. Add sifted flour, cocoa powder, and baking powder, mix well.
3. Roll the dough to 1/2 cm thickness, cut with cookies cutter. Arrange on greased baking tray.
4. Bake at 160C for 20 minutes.
5. Coat with powdered sugar while still warm.


With love,

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Seriously, I never know that bean curd sheet can be used for dessert! In my hometown, it's usually used only for savory dishes, like soup or stir fried. Then, there is this one restaurant in my campus in Malaysia that serve this amazing dessert and tried it out of curiosity. Since then it is my most favorite dessert in that restaurant! Okay.. I mean, I'm a barley-addict.. So yea, of course I like it. ;)

I have been thinking of making this for my family to introduce different kind of chinese dessert and to share the recipe with you guys, but I missed it during holiday. Now that I have opportunity to ask my sister to make everything that I like (although I can only see the pictures), I won't miss it!

By the way, I can rarely find someone who cooks ginkgo nuts in my hometown, or is it just me? My sister told me that they can only find it in the morning market. She also mentioned that she doesn't now how to call certain ingredients here in indonesian. As for me, of course I know it a few minutes ago from browsing the internet!*batting eyelashes*

'My family and friends likes the dessert, it's somehow unique for them because I put bean curd sheet inside, moreover my dad requested for cashew nuts in the dessert which make it more unique. The sweetness is just perfect.' - Sella

Barley and Beancurd Dessert with Ginkgo (translated to indonesian)
Source : Nasi Lemak Lover with modification (in english)

Bahan :
100g barley (jali), cuci dan bersihkan
100g kacang ginkgo, kupas cangkang dan kulitnya
kacang mede panggang sesuai selera
1 lembar kembang tahu, cuci dan rendam selama 5 menit, potong kecil
130g gula batu (atau sesuai selera)
3 lembar daun pandan
2000ml air

Cara :
1. Masukkan barley, pandan, dan air ke dalam panci besar. Didihkan. Ketika mendidih, tutup panci dan masak selama 30 menit dengan api kecil.
2. Masukkan kacang gingko, masak selama 30 menit.
3. Masukkan gula sesuai selera.
4. Masukkan lembaran kembang tahu terakhir (30 menit sebelum selesai memasak).
5. Dapat disajikan dingin atau hangat.


With love,
Sella & Julia 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

I really like the taste and the texture of the pudding although it is too sweet for me and my family's liking. Next time 180 gr of sugar will be better. I plan to make it again next time for any family party and gathering, it will be a hit! ;)

Pandan Green Bean Pudding - Puding Kacang Hijau Pandan (translated to english)
Source : Siti Delima with modification (in malay)

Ingredients :
1 packet of 7gr agar agar powder
750 ml whole milk
250 ml water
200 gr granulated white sugar (may decrease to 180gr if too sweet)
100 gr green beans - washed and soaked for 30 minutes
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pandan paste

Method :
1. Boil green beans until cooked. Drain and let cool.
2. After the beans cool down, put it inside a blender and blend until smooth. Add a little bit of water if necessary. Set aside.
3. Bring to boil agar agar powder, whole milk, water, and sugar. Add green beans and salt. Mix well. Cook again until boil and keep stirring on low heat.
4. Remove from heat and add pandan paste, mix well.
5. Pour into moulds.
6. Let it cool a little bit before put it in the refrigerator.


With love,

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I'm starting to miss baking so much! I can't do much here in Malaysia, the equipment is very limited and it is not as comfortable as my own kitchen. 

A few days ago my older sister in hometown told me that she wants to learn to bake and cook. And this great idea came to me, why not ask her to make something so I can update my blog more often? So I give her some recipes and tell her to help updating my blog! I am sooo glad that I can update more often while at the same time helping her to learn!

This is a super easy dessert which requires a very short time! My sister commented that the agar-agar is a little bit too hard for her liking, so she'll cut down the agar agar powder a little bit next time, maybe 2 to 2,5 packets. She'll also add more lychee for taste. Anyway, our family love the chewy and sweet lychee and it makes a good ending for their lunch. For information, my sister used flavored agar-agar powder so the color is a bit red, but plain agar agar powder will do as good. ;)

Agar agar Leci - Lychee Agar agar (translated to indonesian)
Sumber : kristygourmet.blogspot.com with modification (in english)

Bahan :
2L air
3 bungkus agar-agar powder 7 gram (bisa kurangi menjadi 2-2,5 bungkus kalau terlalu keras)
180gr gula pasir
1 kaleng buah leci, cincang kasar, campurkan kembali ke dalam airnya

Cara :
Campur agar-agar powder, air, dan leci. Didihkan larutan, masukkan gula. Masak dengan api sedang hingga larutan mulai mengental (sekitar 10 menit). Tuang larutan ke cetakan agar agar. Dinginkan.


With love,
Julia & Sella 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Hi there, sweethearts!

Another sweet thing that I made during last holiday, steamed layer cream cheese cake! The chocolate cake layer is absolutely soft, fluffy, and not too sweet (you might want to add more sugar I think), it's a perfect combination with the sweet cheesecake layer. Mom as usual is a fan of not-too-sweet cake, so she loves it so much. While for N, his first comment was "It's not sweet enough". Well, at least all of them eat the cake quite a lot so I know we all love it!

I was an impatient girl here. Actually I made 3 layers here, 2 chocolate layer and 1 cheese layer. But I can't wait much more to try it out, so I cut it while it's still a little bit warm, resulting the top chocolate layer to fall apart and too soft cheese layer. Don't be like me and try to chill it first to set. ;)

Steamed Layer Cream Cheese Cake - Kek Lapis Kukus Cream Cheese (translated to english)
Source : Siti Delima

Ingredients A :
250 gr cream cheese
60 gr powdered sugar
1 large egg
1 tbsp water
1 tbsp all purpose flour

Preparation :
1. Beat cream cheese with sugar until well combined.
2. Add egg, water, and flour. Mix well.
3. Set aside.

Ingredients B (chocolate cake) :
2 large eggs
125 gr powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
a pinch of salt
120 ml boiling water
120 ml whole milk
120 ml vegetable oil
125 gr all purpose flour *
3 tbsp cocoa powder *
1 tsp baking soda *
1/2 tsp baking powder *
Note: ingredients with * have to be sifted

Preparation :
1. Beat eggs and sugar until white and fluffy. Add vanilla essence and salt, mix well.
2. Add boiling water, milk, and oil, mix well.
3. Add flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, and baking powder (sifted), mix well.
4. Divide the batter into 2.

Method :
1. Prepare the steamer with low heat.
2. Prepare 8x8x3 inch pan, grease and line with baking paper.
3. Pour 1 part of chocolate batter, close the pan with aluminium foil and steam for 15-20 minutes.
4. Open the aluminium foil, pour in the cream cheese on top. Close with foil again and steam for 15 minutes.
5. Pour the last chocolate batter, close with foil again and steam for about 20 minutes.
6. Wait until the cake is completely cool before cutting.


With love,

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

After a successful Blooming Steamed Brownies, I become super motivated and excited to make another one. The one with fluffy and and light texture!

I didn't put so much faith though and did it somehow half-heartedly *resulting a not-so-pretty zebra effect*, after reading some fail attempts from other bloggers. Anyway, we'll never know if we don't try, right? 

After I tried it out, it is actually not that hard at all! I even have to say that it is pretty easy to do. I absolutely love the smell and taste. The texture is very light and spongy, but I want more! I will definitely try it again next time, of course to do it full-heartedly and make a better zebra effect!

Bolu Kukus Mekar - Blooming Steamed Sponge Cake (translated to english)
Adapted from Heryanti Saleh

2 large eggs
160 gr granulated white sugar
1,5 tsp emulsifier
200 gr cake flour
100 ml coconut milk
100 ml soda water
Enough chocolate paste

1. Beat eggs, sugar, and 1/2 part of emulsifier with high speed until white and fluffy.
2. Add flour, coconut milk, and soda water alternately, mix with low speed until combine.
3. Add the rest of emulsifier and beat with high speed for about 5-7 minutes.
4. Separate the batter into 2 parts, add chocolate paste to 1 part.
5. Prepare small steam cake pans, line with cupcake liner. (I use muffin pan)
6. Pour 1/2 tbsp of white batter to the pan, then 1/2 tbsp of chocolate batter on top, and do it again alternately until the pan is full.
7. Steam with high heat for 15-20 minutes.


With love,
