Thursday, September 30, 2010
idk why it's become weird if i translate it to english.. xD
and YES! at last i know that beginner (especially a super beginner like me) have to start from cookie! super easy and... i still wondering when i can bake cake properly..=='
Bahan :
- 175 gram margarin
- 3 kuning telur
- 100 gram keju edam parut
- 1/4 sendok teh garam
- 175 gram tepung terigu, ayak
- 30 gram tepung maizena
- 350 gram gula bubuk (untuk ditaburkan)
Cara Pembuatan :
- Siapkan loyang pipih, olesi dengan margarin, sisihkan.
- Kocok margarin hingga mengembang, masukkan telur dan terus kocok hingga mengembang.
- Masukkan tepung terigu, maizena, aduk rata, tambahkan keju edam dan garam, aduk rata hingga menjadi adonan yang dapat dibentuk.
- Ambil satu sendok teh adonan. bentuk bola, taruh di atas loyang, beri jarak.
- Panggang dalam oven dengan temperatur 160 derajat celcius selama 15 menit hingga matang.
- Dinginkan, taburi dan lumuri dengan gula bubuk, hingga seluruh bagian kue tertutup gula, simpan dalam stoples kedap udara.
*it's also supeerrr yummy~!xD
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
i went home at about 3.30 from school today and suddenly found out there was something in the oven! mom was baking macaroni schotel~~~~~ xD
mom got the recipe from Nova Tabloid and here it is..;)

Bahan :
2 sdm minyak sayur
2 siung bawang putih, cincang
2 sdm tepung terigu
500 ml susu kedelai tawar
150 gr keju cheddar, parut
100 gr kacang polong beku
1 btr telur, kocok
1 btr putih telur, kocok
1/2 sdt garam
1/2 sdt lada bubuk
1/4 sdt pala bubuk
250 gr makaroni, rebus
3 lbr daging sapi asap, potong panjang
2 sdm keju parmesan, parut, untuk taburan
Cara Membuat :
1. Panaskan minyak sayur, tumis bawang putih sampai harum dan matang. Masukkan tepung terigu, aduk rata. Tuang susu kedelai, aduk cepat agar saus rata dan tidak menggumpal. Angkat.
2. Tambahkan keju cheddar, kacang polong, telur, putih telur, garam, lada, pala, makaroni dan daging asap, aduk rata.
3. Tuang adonan ke dalam pinggan tahan panas yang sudah diolesi sedikit minyak sayur, ratakan. Taburi atasnya dengan keju parmesan.
4. Panggang dalam oven dengan suku 170 derajat Celcius selama 30 menit. Angkat dan sajikan hangat.
waiting for tomorrow for another fail cooking~ lol
Labels: fried, miscellaneous
Thursday, September 23, 2010

*all captured by me
Labels: pontianak
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Labels: family
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
a new super easy and yummy recipe~!xD
i fried 3 and just ate it with my little brother. i know he loves cheese so much *so do i~* so i added a bunch of it.. hahaha..xD
try it at home and hope you like it..=)
Resep Croque Bebe
1 telur
1/4 cup susu
2 slice keju lembaran
2 slice roti tawar
Minyak goreng
Cara membuat:
1. Kocok telur dan susu dalam mangkok.
2. Sisipkan keju diantara roti tawar. Masukkan roti isi keju kedalam campuran telur-susu, bolak balik sampai semua meresap ke roti.
3. Olesi wajan anti lengket dengan minyak goreng. Panaskan sampai cukup panas. Kecilkan api, letakkan roti masak sampai bawahnya kecoklatan, balik dan tungggu sampai kecoklatan juga.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
and *again* it's Sunday. i take my time in my fitting room (mini-theatre room,red) looking at my family's CD collection and i found this!
i really forget about this CD...!
it's an debut album of baZta Band, my ex-violin teacher's band.
i was in the 10th grade when he asked me to join the shooting for their debut album and know what? i agreed easily! i was such a shy girl that time *er.. kind of..*, lack of fashion sense *at least i'm better now..*, and although i was so excited, i know i won't make it well as a pro model..!! *i was just a beginner model..T-T*
and so the shooting was done at my home until late night and i feel nervous about my performance. will i look bad? *and yes, i look bad..hahaa..xD*
well.. it was a nice experience, anyway.. xD
btw, here is the lyric ;)
Rasa Ini - baZta Band
Di kala aku sepi
bayangmu menghantui
Dekat rasaku
tapi kau jauh
Kau tak ada di sisi
Kucoba menepiskan
rasa rindu di hati
Semakin besar rasa cintaku
yang menghujam jantungku
Chorus :
Wahai kau cintaku
Cukup sudah tersiksa batinku
Jangan pergi
tinggalkan diriku
Aku tak sanggup menahan
semua rasa ini...
*taken from Tribun Pontianak Newspaper 5th and 6th semptember 2010
**thx a lot to karina for the newspaper~xD
Saturday, September 18, 2010
* 8 lbr roti tawar
* 1 cup susu putih tawar
* 7 sdm gula
* 3 sdm terigu
* 3 sdm mentega — cairkan
* 1 sdt vanilla
* 3 btr telur
* 1/2 cup almond cincang chocolate chips untuk taburan
Cara :
1. sobek2 roti tawar .. rendam dengan susu, sisihkan
2. Kocok telur dan gula sampai putih
3. masukkan terigu, lalu mentega cair, dan vanilla
4. masukkan campuran roti dan susu ke dalam adonan
5. campurkan almond cincang (optional)
6. tuang adonan ke dalam loyang atau pyrex yg sudah dioles mentega
7. tabur choc chips .. atau pake meisjes juga enak kok
8. panggang selama kurang lebih 35 menit .. sampe atasnya coklat …
Sumber dari blognya Mizz Tulalit, alicehellwig
Friday, September 17, 2010
Song of the Day - Martin Nievera - Forever (Duet with Regine Velasquez)
0 comments Posted by Julia Selinda at 5:09 PMTo leave it all behind
I wonder why
Why did you go away
You left me all alone
No words can say
My love please stay
You and I
We have moments left to share
You and I
We can make it anywhere
You and I
We belong in each other arms
There can be no other love
Now I know we can have it all
Each night I pray
That we can be together
Once again
Forever more we'll stay
In love this way
No matter what they say
Until the end
You and I
We have moments left to share
You and I
We can make it anywhere
You and I
We belong in each other arms
There can be no other love
Now I know we can have it all
*download here : Martin Nievera - Forever (Duet with Regine Velasquez)
Labels: song
Thursday, September 16, 2010
That is my treasure box! *which one?* The green one!! Looks like it's going to explode because too many things inside! lol

*and at last i gave up of tidy it up..too many things so that i can't put them well..=='
**photos captured by me
Labels: miscellaneous, pontianak
Monday, September 13, 2010

i was looking at him near the front door, uncle and grandma were there too. then grandma started to tell me a story about Teng Hi...
Grandma, Teng Hi, and A Ou lived together in the past. But grandma can't live alone too long anymore, so she moved to my uncle's house along with her adorable doggies. Uncle lives with her wife in a beautiful house with beautiful scenery. He plants palm trees around his house.
One day at 5 a.m., uncle opened the front door and Teng Hi had a walk outside. Not long after that, he came back with oil palm fruit in his mouth. He went to the 2nd floor and gave it to A Ou! A Ou ate it. Since then he took oil palm fruit every morning and gave it to A Ou at the 2nd floor.
I dunno why he did that. And i know he must be sad when he had to lost her. Maybe it's just a simple story, but it sure touched my heart. I love animals and more when i know they can feel love that way...