Wednesday, February 29, 2012
It's so easy to make *although i hurt my fingers the whole day because of the thick paper i used*. I made a bunch of it and it look gorgeous. :D
Labels: diy
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Bahan :
180 gram tepung terigu
1/4 sdt garam
1 sdt baking powder
110 gram mentega tawar
150 gram gula pasir
1 buah telur ukuran besar
1 sdt vanila extract
Coating: 2 sdm gula pasir + 1 sdt bubuk kayu manis
1. Alas loyang dengan kertas roti.
2. Mixer mentega dan gula sampai lembut. (sekitar 3 menit)
3. Masukkan telur dan vanilla extract, mixer sampai rata.
4. Masukkan tepung, garam, dan baking powder, aduk sampai menjadi adonan yang lembut.
5. Bentuk bola bola kecil dengan diameter sekitar 2,5 cm.
6. Gulingkan di atas campuran gula dan bubuk kayu manis hingga permukaannya tertutup rata.
7. Letakkan di atas loyang dan pipihkan.
8. Panggang selama 8 menit dengan suhu 175 C. (
For the english version and step by step instruction, check =)
Hello, this is my cute little crocheted friend, Poodle. ♥
But somehow I just can't resist of her cuteness. So I decided to give her a better future, by attaching her body parts. And here it is. :D
Sunday, February 26, 2012
No long-winded speech, here's the recipe ;)
Bahan Pisang Karamel :
5 buah pisang kepok iris serong tipis
100 g gula pasir
50 ml air panas
1/4 sdt bubuk kayu manis
Bahan Puding :
3 butir telur
1/4 sdt garam
50 g gula pasir
300 ml susu cair
Cara :
- Pisang Karamel : gosongkan gula pasir sampai larut. Masukkan air panas. Aduk sampai larut. Tambahkan pisang dan kayu manis. Aduk rata
- Tuang beberapa pisang didasar loyang pyrex/alumunium cup. Sisihkan
- Puding : Kocok lepas telur, garam dan gula. Masukkan susu sedikit sedikit sambil diaduk rata
- Tuang di atas karamel.
- Panggang au bin marie
- Oven 75 menit dengan suhu 160 C sampai matang dan dinginkan. (Tabloid Saji booklet)
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Hi sweeties~! ♥
By the way, I also helped my cousin to make crumbled-cake cupcakes. Just simply add white or dark cooking chocolate (we used both) little by little to your crumbled cake as you mix it together until it's solid enough and can be easily formed. That's it. =)

Ok, back to Brownie Truffle...
Brownie Truffles
- 1 pan (13x9) brownies, baked and cooled
- 1/3 strawberry jam
- 450 grams dark cooking chocolate
- powdered sugar
1. Crumble the brownies into a large bowl, working it with your fingers until it is in small pieces.
2. Add 1/3 cup of jam, stir with a spoon until it is well-mixed and the brownie dough is smooth, without chunks of dry brownie anywhere. If your brownies were very dry to begin with, add a little more jam until the texture is smooth and holds together when you squeeze it into a ball. However, do not make your brownie dough too wet or soggy.
3. Scoop round spoonfuls of brownie dough and place them on a baking sheet covered with foil or waxed paper. Freeze the balls for 30 minutes, or until they are quite firm.
4. Once the balls are firm, melt the dark cooking chocolate in the microwave, stirring after every 45 seconds to prevent overheating.
5. Using a fork, dip a brownie ball into the melted chocolate until it is completely submerged. Bring it out of the chocolate and place it back on the foil-covered baking sheet. Repeat with the remaining balls and chocolate.
6. Roll the chocolate-covered ball in powdered sugar.
7. Place the baking sheet in the refrigerator to fully set the chocolate, for about 20 minutes. Brownie Truffles can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.
Found this from with some changes =)
With love,
Labels: recipe
Thursday, February 23, 2012
The movie tells the development of the improbable friendship between Philippe, a wealthy tetraplegic, and Driss, a young offender of Senegalese descent, who is hired as his live-in carer. (wiki)
Touching, that's it.
You will not believe how the movie controls you, make you cry and laugh. It is so nice to see them together and their friendship grows each time. They change each other to be a better one and have fun together.
A really beautiful movie, indeed! So, what are waiting for? Go find it somewhere and enjoy ;)
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Hello little pies~ ♥
I found this recipe from and it's really good! It's crunchy and yummy and best thing is it's easy to make! ;)
For some reason, I decided to translate it to Indonesian, so here it is~ ;)
Bahan Crust :
350 gram tepung terigu
1/4 sdt garam
75 gram gula pasir
230 gram mentega tawar, potong kecil-kecil
60-120 ml air es
Bahan Isi :
4 buah apel ukuran sedang, kupas, potong kasar
50 gram gula pasir
1/2 sdm air jeruk lemon
1/2 sdt bubuk kayu manis
15 gram mentega tawar, lelehkan
1 sdm tepung maizena
Olesan :
1 kuning telur + 1 sdt susu cair, campur
Cara membuat :
- Crust : Campur tepung, garam, gula (75 gr), masukkan mentega tawar dan aduk hingga rata. Tambahkan air es sedikit demi sedikit sampai adonan dapat diuleni. Tutup dengan plastik wrap, masukkan ke lemari es 20 menit.
- Isi : Campur semua bahan isi, aduk rata.
- Setelah 20 menit, giling adonan sampai mencapai ketebalan 3-5 mm.
- Cetak dengan cookie cutter selebar 6cm, susun di loyang yang sudah dilapis kertas roti.
- Beri isian di masing-masing lapis adonan, tutup dengan lapisan adonan lain dan tekan bagian tepinya dengan jari.
- Oleskan campuran kuning telur dan susu cair, kemudian buat 3 lubang kecil di atas pie dengan pisau yang tajam.
- Panggang dengan suhu 175 C selama 20-25 menit atau sampai kuning kecoklatan.
I use 3 fuji apples and it's still quite a lot. So, it's a good idea to adjust the filling measurement as you like.
With love,
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
I love Chihiro and Haku, they're so cute together! And I also love No-Face so bad, you know, the lonely male spirit who becomes obsessed with Chihiro after her kindness towards him, keeps following her and gives her gifts. *such a cute one, isn't it??* Yes, I love him. I don't know why. I just think he deserves it.

And for Joe Hisaishi's piece, One Summer's Day, it is a masterpiece! I love the song even before I watch the movie. ♥ *my sister recommended it to me*
I'm going to bake something after this and hope it turns out well! See you soon, guys~
Monday, February 20, 2012
Hello *again*, sweethearts~! ;)
More than a week post nothing, I think I've been doing sinful things after had some fun on Valentine's Day... *sigh* So those sinful things are :
1. sitting comfortably *i mean, lazily* in front of computer
2. thinking about how wonderful screen-gazing is to spend your whole day.
I've been wasting my life holiday, so I just decided to do something more meaningful tomorrow. And the meaningful things are :
1. watch Spirited Away *downloaded, life is perfect ♥*
2. bake something
Yes, it's decided.
And yes, I post this just to say that.
p.s. i'm still waiting for my cousin to send me our valentines-day-activity pictures, so i'll post that as soon as possible! ;) *im a slowpoke i know, forgive me please*
Labels: miscellaneous
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Here's a really short post!
I just can't help myself to post this as it always gives me the OMG-WHAT-A-BEAUTIFUL-SONG feeling! xD
FYI, 'Please Be Careful With My Heart' is Jose Mari Chan's single. You have to check his songs, nice ones indeed! ;)
And here's by Christian Bautista and Sarah Geronimo...
If you love me like you tell me
Please be careful with my heart
You can take it just don’t break it
Or my world will fall apart
You are my first romance
And I’m willing to take a chance
That ’till life is through
I’ll still be loving you
I will be true to you
Just a promise from you will do
From the very start
Please be careful with my heart
Verse II:
I love you and you know I do
There’ll be no one else for me
Promise I’ll be always true
For the world and all to see
Love has heard some lies softly spoken
And I have had my heart badly broken
I’ve been burned and I’ve been hurt before
Verse III:
So I know just how you feel
Trust my love is real for you
I’ll be gentle with your heart
I’ll caress it like the morning dew
I’ll be right beside you forever
I won’t let our world fall apart
From the very start
I’ll be careful with your heart
Chorus II:
You are my first (and you are my last) romance
And I’m willing to take a chance
(I’ve learned from the past)
That ’till life is through
I’ll still be loving you
I will be true (I will be true) to you
Just a promise from you will do (only to you)
From the very start (from the very start)
From the very start (from the very start)
From the very start
Please be careful with (I’ll be careful with) my heart (your heart)
Don't you think it's a really nice song for Valentine's Day? ♥
With love,
Julia ♥
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
So here's the story ;)
2 days ago I found some old photo albums on the table, I looked at each photograph and it's just so nostalgic... :') Then I went scan it quickly! I also found Mom and Dad's old photographs~ ♥
Here's some of it~

Labels: family
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Have some more cream cheese and decided to make some cookies. It's actually a pretty easy recipe and will be turn out great if done it right. But I put a wrong kind of sugar, it's written 'sugar' *supposed to be confectioners' sugar* and I used granulated sugar... I should have known... *stupid me*
But it's worth trying anyway!
By the way, it's a recipe by Kaity from Actually the original name is 'Chocolate Chip Cheesecake Cookies', but I don't have chocolate chip, so yea...
2. in your mixing bowl, blend together the butter, sugar, egg, cream cheese, and vanilla. cream for about a minute or so, until everything is mixed and silky smooth.
3. slowly add the dry ingredients – flour, salt, baking powder, and baking soda – and keep mixing until everything is well incorporated. .
4. grease your cookie sheet[s]. grease it well.
5. drop cookie dough by the spoonful onto the cookie sheet. leave about an inch of space in between each cookie – if you have several cookie sheets on hand, it does not hurt to leave more space. my cookies expanded quite a bit as they were baking.
6. bake 10-12 minutes, or until the edges turn a lovely golden brown.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Hello, cake-eater! ♥
This morning I counted how many days left for me to hanging around here and I realized that it's about 2 months more, 2 months more and I have to go back to Kuala Lumpur...
Bahan A:
3 butir telur
100 gr gula
1 sdm TBM
Bahan B:
60 gr tepung terigu
20 gr maizena
1 sdt garam
40 gr susu bubuk
Bahan C:
250 cream cheese
50 gr butter dikocok sampai lembut
Cara membuatnya:
Kocok bahan A sampai mengembang. Masukkan bahan B lalu aduk sampai rata. Kocok bahan C sampai halus kemudian masukkan ke adonan lalu aduk sampai rata. Tuang ke loyang lalu kukus kurang lebih 20 menit. Potong, dan hidangkan. (
Julia ♥